Tactical Glossary of Terms

Tactical Glossary of Terms

(Fern)  I began putting this tactical glossary of terms together more than a decade ago. Definitions related to lasers were copied from course materials for Laser Range Safety Officer course, presented by the engineers at Naval Special Warfare Crane. Definitions, related to Close Quarters Defense (CQD) are from memory, all other definitions were developed by, me. If you happen to use the definitions please the site the source and give credit.


The Tactical Training Glossary of Terms

10-Gun – (also referred to as High Port) this is a term attributed to Dwain Dieter and the Close Quarters Defense program of combatives. 10-Gun, is a weapon position in which the weapon is pointed straight up. The muzzle of the weapon is at least parallel to the top of the head, and not touching the head and is also higher than the head of the persons in close proximity.  A weapon pointed at a slight angle is defined as “9” and does not meet the 10-gun definition. A weapon pointed straight out is said to be at the “5 gun”. And, a weapon pointed straight down was said to be at “0”. The term “10 gun” has remained a frequently used term in tactical training due to over 20 years of use with the Navy SEALs and elements of the CIA.


Buddy Check the process of asking another shooter, or other competent person to visually check your weapon to ensure there is (1) no ammunition source and (2) no round left in the chamber, and (3) the weapon is on safe (if applicable) and/or de-cocked.  Importantly, a visual inspection of the bore is conducted. Touching the chamber area is not substitute for visually inspecting the chamber. A light is required in low light/no light conditions in order to perform a visual inspection.


Blue-on-Blue is a situation in which friendly forces encounter each other during combat, or anticipated hostilities. Blue-on-blue situations occur unexpectedly and therefore have the potential for friendly forces to engage each other with lethal force. Deconfliction words and protocols should be planned for and used during training.


Catastrophic Injury - is permanent damage to one or more eyes, or an injury that is likely to be immediately life threatening.


Cease Fire cause for all shooters to immediately stop live fire operations. All shooters will follow protocols for clearing all weapons, making them clear & safe. Buddy check when Cease Fire is called.


Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) - CRSO is a 8 hour course that develops the skills essential to training & supervising NRA Range Safety Officers (RSO); and teaches the creation & implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for various facility types and grounds. CRSOs are able to teach the RSO course, certify individuals as RSOs, and assume overall responsibility for the safe handling & shooting of firearms on range property as outlined by the SOP. 

Course covers the roles/duties of the CRSO, elements of a good SOP, ways to limit civil & criminal liability, ensuring emergency procedures/equipment/rehearsals are in place and effective, range inspections, safety briefings, range operations, eating/smoking/drinking/hygiene guidelines, range limitations, shooting activities/events, and monitoring safety on & off the firing line.


Clear & Safe - a term used on the range referring to the condition of the firearm. The firearm is clear of ammunition and is therefore safe. It may be used as a range command, such as, "clear & safe all weapons."


Combat - any situation in which a person finds themselves that is a life and death situation necessitating their own use of lethal force against another.

Personal Combat - one or more against one or more.

Military Combat - military forces engaged against each other.

Law & Order Combat - law enforcement units, special, or otherwise, forcibly restoring the peace during a potentially lethal situation for one or both sides. 


Combativescontemporary mixed martial arts. A method of hand-to-hand fighting practiced specifically for combat. Techniques are utilized from all traditional martial arts. Often practiced while wearing full combat gear and equipment worn during operations or missions. Gear and equipment such as, uniform, pistol, rifle and body armor.


Concealment  – conceals or hides a person or persons from a potentially lethal threat. Concealment may provide some protection, but is recognized as not being sufficient to protect against the weapons employed. An object, vegetation, building, or un-armored vehicle.


Contact - a term used in the military that means enemy forces have just engaged friendly forces using lethal force. Often, the term Contact is called out in a manner that reaches all friendly troops. This is usually followed by a direction and distance to Contact, which is also communicated to troops on the ground. Troops In Contact (TIC) is term typically relayed over the radio alerting supporting assets.


Course of Fire (COF) a sequence of rounds fired during a shooting drill, shooting match or shooting sport. A Course of Fire meets a specific objective, a specific shooting drill, portion of a shooting match, or shooting sport. A Course of Fire may also be described as a segment of the combined training, or event.


Coverprovides protection from the weapons being employed. Something that protects against the anticipated weapon or weapons being utilized to kill the enemy. 


CQB/ CQC Close Quarters Battle / Close Quarters Combat – a term referring to training conducted inside a Shoot House, or during Military Operations Urban Terrain. The acronyms  CQB and CQC does include hand-to-hand fighting, traditional martial arts, striking or combatives.


Double Feed – a weapon feeding malfunction in which two rounds are loaded into the chamber area at the same time, wedging two cartridges together, jamming the gun.


Dead space – the space between two maneuvering elements. The maneuvering elements may be offset. The amount of space between the maneuvering elements is dependent upon terrain and situation. To little dead space creates an unsafe situation in which one maneuvering element may mistakenly fire into another. To much dead space may create communication issues and a loss of command and control.


Deconfliction - is the process of planning for and avoiding blue-on-blue situations. 


Down Range – 1) A term used to refer to a war zone, or area of operations (AO), in which combat operations are being conducted; ie, a soldier is not safe, he/she is downrange.  2) On a firearms range, the area between the targets and the firing line. Used to refer to an area on a firearms range that is not safe. The concept of Down Range does not apply to dynamic range environments.  


Dynamic Range – the firing line is moving as the shooters are moving. The firing line may be broken into two or more elements. Each element may be maneuvering. Each element may consist of one or more persons. Examples - vehicle tactics and immediate action drills, competitive shooting sports. Dynamic Range training is utilized to simulate real world environments and situations. RSO’s should receive specialized training in conducting dynamic ranges. Military Operations Urban Terrain (MOUT), CQB, CQC, and room clearance are dynamic range environments. Due to safety considerations RSO’s should receive additional specialized training to conduct these types of training.


Failure to Extract – a condition referred to as casing stuck in chamber. A cartridge remains in the chamber of the gun upon cycling of the weapon. There are many possible causes, among them a broken extractor, a weak or broken extractor spring, an extremely dirty chamber, or chamber void of lubrication.


Field of Fire - referring to a zone in which the shooter is responsible to eliminate threats that may present themselves. When the shooter is working with a team there are often overlapping fields of fire. The term fields of fire is used when describing personal responsibilities and when discussing tactics.


Firing Line –  is the line from which all live fire is conducted. The Firing line is designated by the RSO, and may be a permanently fixed position. The term primarily applies to a static range, but also finds use on a dynamic range. On a dynamic range, the firing line is the line from which movement begins from. The term does not apply to Close Quarters Combat (CQC), Close Quarters Battle, Military Operations Urban Terrain (MOUT), and all other dynamic environments.


Fire Superiority – is when the enemy cannot effectively return fire due to the amount of fire they are receiving. When Fire Superiority is achieved the objective is to maintain it until the threat has been eliminated or maneuvering elements have vacated the immediate area of danger.


Flagging/ Sweeping – is when the barrel of the weapon being held is pointed at a shooters own body, or another person, even a fraction of a second. A person may Flag or Sweep themselves as well as others, both are considered safety violations. Flagging our Sweeping cannot occur unless the weapon is in the hands of a person.


Flat Range - is a relatively flat sterile environment where standard shooting drills and training is conducted. Shooting sports and competitive events are normally conducted on the Flat Range. Depending upon how The Flat Range is constructed the field of fire may be in one direction, or it might be considered a to be a 180º degree range indicating that shooters may safely engage to the left and right of the firing line, as well as straight down range. The Flat Range is not the Shoot House, as that is a different type of range.


Floating Ratio - refers to the student/instructor ratio changing throughout a course of instruction to meet the anticipated risk level.


FNG - Fucking New Guy", a term often used in the military to describe someone who is inexperienced and may in fact be dangerous in combat due to their lack of experience.


Field Training Exercise (FTX) - an evaluated, or graded exercise in which the participants are demonstrating that they have learned and can perform what was taught during the previous training.


Four Fundamental Safety Rules

(1) Always know the condition of your weapon. 

(2) Never let the muzzle of the gun cover yourself, anything, or anyone you do not intend to shoot.

(3) Keep your trigger finger long & straight until you can safely fire. 

(4) Always be sure of what is beyond your intended target.


High Risk Training -  training in which, significant injury or death is possible and likely to occur if the identified safety hazards are not mitigated. All firearms training is inherently dangerous. However, advanced training incorporating tactics, shooting and moving with more than one person introduce numerous additional hazards.


High Ready – is a position similar to low-ready. The shooter is looking down the sights, or closely over the sights, often while scanning for threats. This is used when the threat is the imminent allowing faster engagement of potential threats. It is also more tiresome, and difficult to hold for extended periods of time.


High-Port – (also referred to as 10-Gun) the pistol or rifle is pointed straight up. A weapon manipulation technique that eliminates the possibility of flagging/ sweeping when maneuvering, in addition to many other positive attributes. US Navy SEALs are the first unit known to exclusively employ the High Port weapon manipulation technique during CQB/CQC, Immediate Action Drills, and every other facet of combat missions. Points of performance include, the barrel of the weapon is above the shooters head, and not touching the shooters head, and not angled. The term 10 gun, is describing the same weapon position as high-port.


Hot Range – a hot range is an active range in which live fire shooting and training is underway.

 A Hot Range is also a term used to describe a range in which the rifles and pistols may be kept locked & loaded during reloading and during brief breaks in training. Running a hot range expedites training because the students are not clearing out the weapons, making them clear & safe numerous times throughout the course. This type of range is common within groups or units that are very familiar with each other and understand everyone knows the rules of safety. This type of range should not be run if instructor is unfamiliar with anyone in the group, or with new shooters. 


Immediate Action - is the first rehearsed process for clearing a firearm malfunction. The Immediate Action should be immediately performed upon experiencing a malfunction. The process may be between different amongst different types of firearms. Consult the owners manual, or a firearms expert for more information.


Immediate Action Drills (IAD's) - are somewhat like a set of football plays that are performed as a group in response to taking Contact from the enemy. The response to contact is based upon the terrain, situation, number of enemy and the distance to Contact. Some SOF units refer to this as Small Unit Tactics (SUT).


Institutionalized Inertia - is not accepting a new way of doing things even when information, or evidence suggests it makes sense to accept the new way. This type of thing kills businesses when they fail to adapt to a changing market. It also kills military members and law enforcement officers who do not evolve their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP's). Often newcomers to an organization sense something is wrong and ask, "why do we do it this way?" All to often, the response is, "because that's the way we've always done it."


Lead Instructor/ Trainer (LIT) – is the person overall responsible for the conducting the training. During the performance of tactical training it is common for the lead instructor to also perform the role of a safety supervisor.  The lead instructor is responsible for the ensuring the safe conduct of the course curriculum and the learning objectives. Based upon the lead instructor/ Trainer's experience the person in this position is able to mitigate normally occurring risks to safety. The person in this position is recognized by official means as being highly qualified to conduct High Risk training. Therefore, the lead instructor/ Trainer is by default the safety authority on the range unless otherwise stated by the unit, organization or person conducting the training.


Lock & Load -  Military history aside, the term for our purposes here at Red Frog is synonymous with Load Sequencing, in which we promote the first step of loading a semi-automatic pistol or rifle begins with locking the bolt or slide back. Insert the Ammunition source and release the bolt or slide.


Long & Straight - refers to the trigger finger outside the trigger guard and placed "long & straight" alongside the side of the handgun, or rifle and above the trigger guard.


Low Ready – (rifle) is locked into the shoulder, the shooter is looking over the sights, finger long & straight. The low-gun is appropriate when a threat is likely or expected, and may be taken when moving or in a static position. (Pistol) weapon pointed down range and held at the sternum area of the chest.


LRSO Laser Range Safety Officer on a tactical range this person should ensure everyone participating in the training is made aware of the hazards and safe operating procedures associated with operating lasers. This person is by default the lead instructor/ trainer (LIT) unless that person defers to someone else to relay the necessary information. The required information is best included during the range safety brief before training begins.


Make Ready - Command is used to take a weapon from condition 3 to condition 1.  Refers to loading a source of ammunition, such as a magazine, or belt of ammunition. Often, two commands are given simultaneously, Load, and Make Ready. When a shooter is directed to Make Ready, they are to perform all procedures necessary to ensure their weapon system(s) are ready to fire, to include chambering a round.


Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) - related to laser exposure to the eye. It is the highest power or energy density (in W/cm2 or J/cm2) of a light source that is considered safe, i.e. that has a negligible probability for creating damage.  It is usually about 10% of the dose that has a 50% chance of creating damage  under worst-case conditions. The MPE is measured at the cornea of the human eye or at the skin, for a given wavelength and exposure time. Most eye safe lasers have an MPE of .25 seconds, meaning direct eye exposure for less than ¼ second is not likely to result in eye damage. *Manufacturers of lasers no longer use the term eye safe.


Mental Conditioning -  developing neural pathways within the brain that amount to a plan of action. Mental Conditioning takes place through repetitive thoughts, that are not always attributed physical actions. A person may mentally condition themselves to respond to an active shooter by mentally rehearsing a plan. Mental conditioning may result in a subconscious reaction to a situation. Mental conditioning may be used to increase performance and reliability of a desired action or reaction.


Medical Emergency Action Plan (MEAP)  Is the detailed plan for addressing all medical issues that may occur on a live fire range, including but not limited to firearms related injuries.   The MEAP may contain detailed plans identifying medical personnel (present), highest level of medical training, nearest hospital, estimated EMS response time, Life Flight LZ, Lat. Long coordinates, address, Trauma Bag location, designated ambulance, and other considerations.


Misfire – is when a cartridge does not fire after the primer has been struck by the firing pin. A malfunction of the primer is a common cause of Misfire.  A broken firing pin that does not contact the primer is another possible cause of Misfire.


Moving / Move – these terms are used to communicate intentions between two maneuvering elements comprised of one or more persons. Moving, is stated as a request to move. The reply Move is given acknowledging the request to move and only  given when it is clear to move.


Negligent Discharge – a term used to describe the unintended discharge of a firearm. While training on the range the term Accidental Discharge is not used, or appropriate. Unintended discharges from firearms by shooters on the range are not accidental, and are in fact always the result of negligence. 



failure to take proper care in doing something: some of these accidents are due to negligence.

  • Law failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.


Night Optical Device (NOD) - The term used to describe modern night vision devices utilizing an image intensification photocathode tube with peak response in the blue – green region. NOD’s for tactical use are typically available in monocular and goggle configurations. *Lasers that contact the photocathode tube may damage the tube, but will not damage the users eyes, which are shielded by the image intensification tube, much like a viewing a TV screen, or computer monitor.


Naval Special Warfare Center (NSWC) - also known as the Phil Bucklew Naval Special Warfare Center  is a component command of the United States Naval Special Warfare Command and the United States Navy. It is located within the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, California.


On Line – a term used during an assault on a target or enemy forces which refers to the alignment of the assaulting formation. Repeating the terms On Line reminds shooters to stay parallel and abreast of each other as a failure to do so may result in a blue-on-blue situation. On Line is often used as as a command informing participants to align themselves and maintain situational awareness.


Operator -  a term that originated within the US Special Operations community to refer to comrades who are particularly well practiced, or extraordinary at performing their duties as Special Operations soldier. Recently, the term has been adopted elite law enforcement officers within highly specialized units.


Optical Density (OD) - the common logarithm of the ratio of incident to transmitted spectral radiant power through a material.  Absorbance is dimensionless, and in particular is not a length, though it is a monotonically increasing function of path length, and approaches zero as the path length approaches zero. The use of the term "optical density" for absorbance is discouraged. In physics, a closely related quantity called optical depth is used instead of absorbance: the natural logarithm of the ratio of incident to transmitted radiant power through a material. The optical depth equals the absorbance times ln (10). The term absorption refers to the physical process of absorbing light, while absorbance does not always measure absorption: it measures attenuation of transmitted radiant power. Attenuation can be caused by absorption, but also reflection, scattering, and other physical processes.


Over Penetration refers to moving to far into a room or hallway, thereby creating an unsafe condition. Over Penetration may expose the shooter to potential threats and/or limit other shooters from safely engaging. 


Points of Performance separate and distinct movements required in performing a task. Example, drawing a pistol from the holster, a magazine change, use of cover.


Point of Domination (POD) -  a term used in CQB/CQC that commonly refers to the two corners of the room. “The first two assaulters into the room move to their Point of Domination. The exact POD in a particular room is subjective according to the principles and tactics employed. A POD is based upon angles within a room or hallway. Over Penetration is another term often used in conjunction with POD.


Primary Weapon - refers to the rifle and the relationship between the rifle and the pistol. The rifle is the primary weapon. In the event the primary weapons malfunctions, or runs out of ammunition a transition to the secondary weapon may be necessitated.


Process Movement – The individual steps that comprise a complete movement. For example, drawing a handgun from a holster incorporates between 8-10 individual steps, depending upon the holster and the method being taught. All of the individual steps are part of the process of performing a holster draw, when combined to form a complete movement they are referred to as a Process Movement.


Range is Cold a range command telling all participants live fire has ceased, and is no longer authorized. Typically, all participants will repeat this command after its given.


Range is Hot – a range command telling all participants that shooting may now commence. This range command is used during all live fire training and commonly during force-on-force training. Typically, all participants will repeat this command after its given.


Remedial Action – refers to clearing a malfunction, a jam, or a stoppage on semi-automatic, or automatic weapon. Remedial Action follows Immediate Action in the sequence of clearing the malfunction and may vary amongst different types of weapons. Weapons in which the bolt or the slide lock back upon firing the last round in the magazine tend to have similar, if not identical malfunction clearing procedures. Learning how to safely and effectively clear a malfunction is among the first things that should be learned with every type of firearm.


Repetition Response – Performing a Process Movement repeatedly until the movement can be performed subconsciously. Repetition Response training begins with dry fire training and progresses through stages, eventually incorporating high stress scenarios, during which, the Points of Performance may be critiqued and analyzed.


Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)- is a tool developed by the military to identify risks to safety with the intention of mitigating the stated risks.


Safe & Hang - Pertains to the primary weapon system (rifle) outfitted with a sling. During breaks from the Course of Fire (COF), the RSO may direct the participants to ensure the weapons are on safe, and hang them from the sling, muzzle pointed down. Unless otherwise directed, it is okay to remove the magazine for reloading while ensuring the weapon is pointed down and on safe. When re-inserting the magazine ensure the weapon remains pointed straight down not flagging oneself or others. While standing, walking or moving, shooters are responsible for maintaining positive control of the weapon.  All flagging/ sweeping rules are in effect. When moving or walking it is recommended shooters grasp the butt of the stock with one hand to prevent the weapon from swinging, and in order to maintain positive control.  Shooters will ensure the weapon remains on safe at all times. Pointing the muzzle at ones own legs or feet is considered flagging/sweeping ones self.  Always be cognizant of where the muzzle is pointed, and maintain situational awareness. Shooters not aware of their surroundings are potentially unsafe.


Safety Mishap - is an injury or medical condition that occurs as a result of the training being conducted.


Safety Observer - is an appointed position essentially referring to the same position described as a Range Officer, or Range Safety Officer by other organizations. The term Safety Observer is a universal term not specific to any particular organization. There may be more than one Safety Observer during training, to include as many as are deemed necessary by the lead instructor/ trainer.


Safety Supervisor - is the senior ranking person in charge of safety on the range. The lead instructor/ trainer assumes this position by default unless another person is appointed. During instances when there is more than one person appointed to observe for safety issues it may be important to place one person overall in charge.

  There may be more than one Safety Supervisor during training, shooting sports and competitive events. The name Safety Supervisor is not specific to any particular organization, or shooting sport and may be universally applied to refer to the same position described as a Range Officer, or Range Safety Officer.


Secondary Weapon - refers to the relationship between the handgun and the rifle. The rifle is the primary weapon and the handgun is the secondary weapon. When the Primary Weapon goes down a transition to the secondary weapon may be necessitated.


Scenario Based Training (SBT) - realistic training intended to prepare a person for combat, or other high risk situations, in which a person may be killed by another. SBT may be conducted with non-lethal munitions and firearms designed specifically for that use, or SBT may be conducted with lethal ammunition and standard firearms. In no event, are the two types of firearms utilized simultaneously.


Shoot House – (Kill House) a structure that incorporates ballistic walls, or bullet traps for the express and intended use of live fire training.


Shooting Sports an organized activity, or event that includes the discharge of one or more firearms, includes a strategy and a repetitive theme. Shooting Sports are often competitive however, a competitive aspect is not a requirement.  Shooting Sports have their own rules in guidelines to meet the objectives of the specific shooting sport. Common examples of shooting sports include, 3-Gun, IDPA and USPSA.


Shooter Train - is a team of people known to use tactics when moving, clearing and eliminating threats to their own personal safety while entering into a structure, inside a structure, or alongside a structure.


Special Operations Forces (SOF) - are military units trained to conduct special operations. NATO has defined special operations as "military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, trained, and equipped forces, manned with selected personnel, using unconventional tactics, techniques, and modes of employment." Members of SOF are required to pass rigorous training that historically eliminates 50 - 80% of the applicants depending upon the program.


Static Rangeno movement, all shooting is conducted from a designated firing line and one specific position.


Stage a term commonly used in shooting sports which refers to a series of positions and targets that the shooter must move through. Stages are normally timed and graded for accuracy. 


Stealth -  kept secret, undetected. Stealth implies the use of artful actions in order to pass through an enemy's territory without detection. While patrolling there is often the need to avoid any behavior likely to be sensed by the enemy. To be seen, heard, or smelled can result in losing the element of surprise. 


Stealth Engagements - shooting and engaging while leaving no signature, or a significantly reduced signature. During day light hours, or in lit conditions this may simply entail the use of a suppressor. At night a stealth engagement would preclude the use of white lights, and infrared lasers and lights in addition to including a suppressor on the firearm.


Stove Pipe – an empty case that is trapped between the slide or bolt, and the chamber area. Clearing this stoppage: place on safe, remove the magazine (if applicable) hold the weapon, ejection port side down, lock the side, or bolt back; The stoppage normally clears itself, falling away from the weapon. Other expedited courses of action are possible with proper training. If further action is required seek RSO, or qualified armorer assistance.


Squib Load – a cartridge containing little or no powder. The bullet is primarily expelled from the cartridge via the primer charge. Normally, the bullet is lodged in the barrel, because the primer lacks enough power to expel the bullet from the barrel. This manufacturing defect creates an unsafe condition that will result in catastrophic weapon failure if another round is fired into the bullet lodged in the barrel.


Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) - refers to procedures used by military and intelligence officers to collect and exploit captured people, equipment, media and documents at a targeted site.  The purpose is to gather as much information as possible about the people and operations that have been conducted at the targeted site for the purposes of finding information that leads to other enemy forces. It is performed by forward operators using exploitation kits that can: 

  • Capture biometric data (retina scan, finger prints, etc.)
  • Collect and analyze personal documents (DOCEX)
  • Exploit electronic media (MEDEX)
  • Collect and analyze communications and cell phone data (CELLEX)


Surface Danger Zones (SDZs) - The ground and airspace that could possibly be violated, or otherwise occupied by bullets, projectiles, fragments, or debris, to include the training area, and space outside the training area.


Small Unit Tactic's (SUT) - are somewhat like a set of football plays that are performed as a group in response to taking Contact from the enemy. The response to contact is based upon the terrain, situation, number of enemy and the distance to Contact. Some units refer to these as Immediate Action Drills (IADs).


Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP's) - tactics such as those to be employed by a team conducting CQC, or clearing a Shoot House. Techniques such as, weapon manipulation techniques. Procedures, such as those utilized during an operation, which may include Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE).


Tactical Training  is planned, documented,  and progresses logically, accounting for learning objectives and safety considerations. Is firearms training with a strategy. Strategy relating to firearms is found in Shooting Sports, such as, IDPA, USPSA and 3-Gun. Strategy is also found in firearms training relating to realistic training intended to prepare a person for combat, or other high risk situations, in which a person may be killed by another.


Task Overload - during tactical training, or combat situations this is a condition in which the effected has a reduced ability to think, rationalize, or maintain situational awareness.


Training Scar – a movement that is repeated without cognizance due to repeated training. Because, we are truly products of our training, developing neural pathways within the brain when we train it is important to train as we intend to fight. Rehearsing movements that are not conducive to real gun fights are referred to as training scars.


Unsafe Condition – an unsafe condition exists when a safety mishap may occur at any given moment and before there is an opportunity to prevent the safety mishap.  It is understood  that human behavior cannot be controlled by another.  The TRSO, person, or persons chiefly responsibly for conducting or supervising training will to the best of their ability attempt recognize when in unsafe condition exists and take measures to rectify it.


Violence of Action - is effective action which overwhelms otherwise aggressive, even deadly behavior. Violence of action is offensive action, never defensive. It is not anger and it is more than an aggressive mindset, it is win or die trying right now, in this moment.


Weapon Condition -  A weapon’s state of readiness is described by one of these four conditions.

(1) Condition 1 - Rifle - Safety on, magazine inserted, round in chamber, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed.

Pistol – magazine inserted, round in the chamber, slide forward.

 (2) Condition 2 - Not applicable to the service rifle/carbine rifle.

 (3) Condition 3 - Safety on, magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed.

 (4) Condition 4 - Magazine removed, chamber empty, slide forward, safety on.


Weapon Position - is a position that is held momentarily, or for an extended period of time in preparation to engage the threat. Positions, such as High Port and Low Ready are default positions an operator chooses to take as it fits the situation before, or after acquiring a sight picture.









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The Flow State In Combat
Load Sequencing

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