Each "add to cart" = 10 targets.
Most experts recognize that a close knife threat is more dangerous than a gun, especially true when it's a large Bowie knife. Our targets should represent the threats we are training to defeat. As such, HVT portrays faintly depicted zones instead of lines on the target, because real people don't have lines painted on them. Most, HVT target characters have two faintly depicted zones over the heart and the head, referred to as Threat Elimination Zones. The TEZ is not easily seen from 6 feet away causing the shooter to think about anatomy instead of lines. There are two locations to aim and both are approximately the size of your fist, the heart and the cerebellum of the brain. Repetitiously, training on targets that cause the shooter to see the optimal location to place rounds is next-level training.
- All targets printed exclusively on C1s card-stock paper allowing for 3x as many rounds before the target is changed out. This paper significantly increases longevity, resists weather and show's shot groups better than standard targets.
- 3D shading enhances contrast & depth, reduces glare and is ideally suited for night vision devices.
- Ideally suited target for Airsoft, UTM, Simunition and other non-lethal weapons training.
- Size - 21 X 33 inches long.
- 3.5 inch Threat Elimination Zone™ is faintly depicted over the nerve center of the brain and the heart.
- A unit of measure is faintly depicted behind the shoulders to provide perspective for long range precision and other tactical training.
*This target comes with a free overlay (Thug_Overlay.Cucumber).
Upon purchase you will be notified of a digital download. The overlay is 8.5 x 11 inches and available as a .png picture format as well as Adobe .pdf. Print using border-less print settings. The overlay erases the knife and inserts a cucumber into the hand of the target character.